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Sketchback is the Best Way for designers to work with others on their projects

Conceived for creativity, engineered for efficiency: Sketchback is project management reimagined for designers. The platform is specifically crafted to enhance the unique workflow of visual creatives, emphasizing ease and efficiency in collaboration.


Who We Are


Cole Glasgow is the founder of Sketchback, with a degree in Computer Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He enjoys reading science fiction and playing board games, and is currently traveling to design conferences around the world in order to make Sketchback the best platform it can be.

Austin Patello is a full-stack developer from Kentucky who helps bring the designers’ visions to life and ensure that everything works as intended (Hopefully). He also has three cats.


Kayleigh Gallagher is a marketing specialist from Connecticut who works in social media and copywriting. In her free time, she enjoys reading and illustrating.

Emmitt White is a graphic designer from Vermont with specialties in brand design, logos, UI/UX development, and whatever else you can throw at him! He attends Rochester Institute of Technology and enjoys outdoor activities, from walks and jogs to golf and hikes.


Chelsea Cohen is a senior graphic design student at Rochester Institute of Technology. Her specialties include motion design, illustration, and a holistic approach to brand systems. When she's not designing, she loves to pick up new skills– whether that's table tennis, handmade pasta, or whatever else has caught her attention that day.


How We Started

We knew we wanted Sketchback to support designers from the start, so we collaborated with real professionals to find the best way to do so.

We started by discussing technologies currently available to graphic designers, typical work processes at design agencies and within design departments at larger companies, and the things that bother designers daily. By the end, it became clear that, while designers love to design, many feel that communicating project progress and requirements with clients is the most frustrating part of the job.

Clients sometimes struggle to explain what they want, and they often change their minds. Projects can get hung up for weeks because an important reviewer hasn’t provided their input, or because the goalposts keep changing.

Wading through similar files to find the latest version can be a hassle, making it hard to track and communicate progress.

These problems aren’t your or your clients’ faults–they exist because current project management tools aren’t made for you. Most project management software is made to appeal to as broad a market as possible, resulting in generic and overly complicated interfaces that neither you or your clients want to figure out. Sketchback is different.

Sketchback is the best possible platform for collaborating with team members and clients, made for designers and tailored to their workflow.


Our Vision

To aid creatives everywhere in creating beauty–in their communities, in their work, and in their personal lives.


Our Values - Making the World More Beautiful


Expanding our minds and growing our understanding of the world makes it all the better to experience, and everyone should have access to these opportunities. Sketchback is committed to supporting creatives who choose to pursue formal study, regardless of where they are in their journey.

Sketchback will always be free for those seeking higher education. Educational institutions and those organizations representing them will be able to use Sketchback at our reduced education and non-profit rate. You have enough to worry about already.

After our full launch, Sketchback will offer scholarships to help talented individuals access educational opportunities they may not have been able to otherwise.

Individuality and Entrepreneurship

Everyone has unique ideas to contribute, and bringing those ideas to life in our own way is crucial to the development of a better and brighter future. Entrepreneurship is a hallmark of the design industry, and at Sketchback we aim to support freelancers, agency owners, and everyone in between.

Sketchback will temporarily subsidize up to 80% of the platform’s cost for entrepreneurs, determined on an individual level based on your company’s age and size.

Social Responsibility

Individuality doesn’t have to mean the neglect of community. The institutions that provide public education, financial or material support for those in need, and protection of the environment act for the betterment of society as a whole and should be protected and uplifted.

Sketchback will collaborate with charitable organizations dedicated to the betterment of our communities, donating to a variety of causes each year after full launch.

In addition, any organization representing a non-profit institution will be able to use Sketchback at our reduced education and non-profit rate.

Copyright 2024 Sketchback