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All-in-one project management
Made just for designers

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If you've ever...

  • Named a file “final_FINAL_FINALL_AHHH.ai”
  • Had to comb through your inbox to track down important (hidden) information
  • Found yourself switching between five different apps for every logo project
  • Felt like your brain was melting while trying to decode client feedback

Try Sketchback!

Sketchback centralizes all communications, files, and client information for all of your projects in one easy-to-access location.

Why stick to words when your projects are visual?

Explore different concepts in detail with collaborative visual sketches. Learn more…


Stop scouring your inbox for important details.

Track all project details on one organized platform. Learn more…


Manage your portfolio with ease.

Easily deliver work, ensuring clients never need to ask for updates. Learn more…


Present a cohesive brand experience.

Keep it professional with simple client interactions and customized platform options. Learn more…


Talk to your clients and your team, all in the same thread.

Seamlessly integrate internal and external project communication. You get to choose which messages are visible to clients. Learn more…


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